Material IQ

Detailed sustainability data on the materials used in products

Profiles in MiQ provide comprehensive, third party-validated hazard evaluations ofproduct ingredients. This includes demonstrating compliance with ecolabels, standards, and commonly used banned or restricted substances lists. Profiles also include key environmental indicators like recycled content, CO2, carbon offsets, and awarded certifications. Finally, company contact information is available for users who want to contact manufacturers directly about specific products.


The Problem

Manufacturers have limited visibility into the chemicals and materials they use to make products. Material IQ is a response to increasing demand in the marketplace for greater transparency in the chemicals and materials flowing through complex supply chains.

MiQ provides a platform for more effective sharing of chemical and material data by addressing the following market deficiencies:

  • Lack of a standardized method for evaluating chemicals & materials to identify safer alternatives
  • Prohibitively high costs of material screening due to a lack of efficient infrastructure to collect chemical level information
  • Lack of regulations guiding hazard information reporting
  • Lack of adequate information regarding viable alternatives
  • Limited incentives for suppliers to share confidential formulation data.

The Solution

Create a scalable, centralized platform that acts as a marketplace where all manufacturers can share the sustainability attributes of their products. Significantly reduce the costs associated with the collection and evaluation of chemical level information by working directly with upstream suppliers. Reduce the complexity of the information via a simplified user interface that can effectively communicate with a diversity of audiences who need or who are interested in having access to this type of information.


Fundamental to our goal of promoting material health, Material IQ has been developed to help industry design and manufacture safer products. If we are to achieve this goal, it is critical that all stakeholders in the value chain have greater access to material health and other sustainability information so they are able to make more informed decisions about the products they purchase.

Sustainable Materials Management

Material IQ contribution to GreenBlue’s Sustainable Materials Management framework:

Material Sourcing

Key Indicators provides sourcing information about products such as recycled or biobased content, recyclability, biodegradability, etc.

Material Health

Product profiles provide a summary of a hazard evaluation performed by a third party expert, identifying potential hazards for optimally managing materials in the supply chain. Material health information is also provided in the context of standards, ecolabels or restricted substances lists that are important to various industry sectors.

Material Value

Profiles provide information about the inherent recyclability of a product as well as the intended process used for its recycling. Biodegradability and compostability attributes are noted if applicable.

Learn More

GreenBlue is looking for manufacturers to participate in pilot projects to explore how Material IQ can help them design and manufacture more sustainable products. Learn more about the pilot:
Material IQ Brochure
